When I Am Made World Dictator

How I Will Save Humankind


Assume you will be made World Dictator in 2037. Your policies (dictates) will define the rules of the game humanity will follow for 2500 years (100 generations). Whether or not you are alive in 2037 won't matter. What will matter are the decrees that define your reign. The fate of the 101st generation depends on you. What are your directives?


Intro: I found the offering PDF below nearly as eccentric as my idiosyncratic offerings, but this one is actually of interest. As World Dictator (for life of course) I'd play the part differently, but my goal would be the same as the author's. Conjecture: 99+% of modern humans who might play this game would not have the same goal. To test my best guess, dangle a passing grade in front of a few thousand college students (as favorite lab animal), and assess answers to determine the percentage who envision saving humankind in terms of first destroying modern techno-industrial society (life as they/we know it) by renormalizing the humans who serve it with all due compassion. Please share a link to the results in the comment section below. But read this PDF if nothing else.

COOS BAY (A-P) — What follows, after I become World Dictator, is a viable outcome for humanity's ghastly 21st century transition through the coming bottleneck the last seventy-five thousand years of expansionist culture has selected for, i.e. posterity's overshoot debt payment we Anthropocene enthusiasts have been incurring. When you realize that I understand how we Anthropocene enthusiasts incurred the overshoot debt posterity will pay (and what we must do to redress it), then you will make me World Dictator. Do not delay too long (to understand as it is only the understanding that will compel you to make me World Dictator) or posterity will have a death squared (extinction) outcome.

The only difficulty will be getting me elected/appointed dictator (or my proxies who follow my/nature's decrees when "I" rule in effigy). I may need some help, whether from the cadre of compassionate revolutionaries that come to associate with me, or with the aid of technology (the solution to all problems everyone, except for Ted Kaczynski, believes in). A viable outcome requires: (1) rapid depopulation/economic contraction and (2) renormalization of the remnant population that seeks out the condition that will come anyway (if humans persist on the planet).

The Great Selection is the condition that will come anyway. My plan is to seek out that condition/outcome by managed descent instead of by chaotic collapse. In so far as possible, no one dies a premature Malthusian death (when I am made World Dictator).

The 'compassionate Rxevolution' of John B. Calhoun.

As supreme leader (alpha male), I will change the 'rules of the game' (the social contract) to select for a viable outcome for humans and the biosphere (the planetary life-support system) all life on Earth depends on.

Why? Because rules = limits. Without self-imposed limits (which my imposed limits must become ASAP), the modern expansionist form of metastatic human and their techno-industrialized world socioeconomic-political system (WSS) and monetary culture selects for short-term self interests to maximize eMpower (MEP/MPP/MePP) as a complex, adaptive, dissipative (but non-evolvable) structure instead of as functional lifeforms, i.e. dissipative evolvable subsystems that Gaia/Nature selects for long term (and against if the subsystem thereby destroys the system it is part of, e.g. metastatic cancer).

Subsystems cannot 'choose' to do other than what their system selects for as doing otherwise is to 'choose' to self-select out of the system even if that is not the intended (among humans) outcome. The rules, including those for changing the rules, will apply to the next 100 generations, after which time, if humans still cannot listen to Nature (self-impose limits by listening), they can, with my blessing, self-select out of the world system with every intent to not do so.


The Rules of the Game

I will mention why later (for those who would rather know why than just believe in the rules) the why of each rule, but for most, asking why is a distraction. As supreme autocrat I do not expect you (the 99+%) to understand what needs to change to enable humans (in the form of posterity) to persist as the millennia pass (the intended outcome of the rules). I expect you to obey because you cannot choose not to.

You can disagree as you will, but Nature doesn't care, so why should I? Nature, the Red Queen, is unkind. Humans are not yet sufficiently intelligent to control or regulate themselves or the Earth. Perhaps in 100 generations humans may be able to limit their demands on Nature's resources to leave room for Nature, as any non-expansionist form of K-selected human would.



Obey or Die:

  1. No humans may live in a group larger than 50 (so as to have repeat interactions needed to renormalize).
  2. No habitat may contain more than 50 interacting groups of humans (needed to exchange genes and memes) whether living as nomadic foragers or settled forager-farmers.
  3. Humans occupying a habitat (defined by ridge/trough watershed boundaries) can occupy no more than 20 percent of an area/zone so as to leave room for Nature.
  4. If the occupants of any habitat are attacked or violate rules I or II, expand into Nature's 80 percent or into a neighboring human habitat area (rule III), all other humans, beginning with those closest, must cooperatively project a combined force to neutralize/destroy them (i.e. force compliance or defeat an attacker). [Restated with somewhat more potentially distracting details here.]

For the first 100 years, the area occupied by up to 50 groups of up to 50 people (maximum of 2,500, 784 average) will not be supported by the local environmental productivity of an area's 20 percent as the initial population will be too large. On average, expect foraging-farming to support less than 1 percent of the initial population because my Great Selection will disallow fossil fuel use, manufacturing of most industrial products, or trade. Exploitation of all potential environmental productivity/resources to support a maximum human/mutualist population will not be allowed.

Figure that the food on the end of your fork today has on average traveled 1,500 miles (2400 km) to get there in its likely processed form, and that 90 percent of the energy in that bite is fossil fuels, directly or indirectly, turned into food energy. Hence, when fossil fuels are disallowed, food (derived from 20 percent of Gaia's land via sustainable, low-impact agricultural methods) will not be abundant.

Because I am a benevolent dictator, I will allow fossil fuel to be turned into food for 50 years (and other uses of fossil fuels only as indirectly needed to produce and store food). Within five years of the beginning of my reign, there will be no cars (including electric ones, etc.) nor plane travel (all cities will be depopulated) and all commercial fossil-fueled shipping by land or sea, with the one exception noted, will end. By the end of 50 years, there will have been produced just enough food to support the initial population of 9 billion (the number when my reign begins) and storable food to support the surplus population during the rapid birth-off period to a population of 7 million to avoid a chaotic die-off (by Malthusian death) of humans to extinction (or worse, continuance in a dysfunctional form) and allow for the beginnings of biosphere recovery from the prior Anthropocene (which my rules/reign will end).

The storable food provided will prevent starvation/scarcity-induced-conflict-die-off only if occupants of a habitat comply with rapid birth-off guidelines. I will not punish those who do not comply, as overpopulating one's 20 percent without an ability to exploit Nature's 80 percent or conquer a neighbor will involve lamentable negative corrective feedback (conflict/starvation) during a local die-off (and not because I will decree it).

Those who fail to follow birth-off guidelines will run out of stored food, their 20 percent will not feed them, and if they seek to take from Nature's 80 percent or invade a neighbor's habitat to take from their life-support system, they will be destroyed/neutralized with extreme prejudice by those who do not fail to understand why human demands on Nature's (and other human's) resources must be limited, must remain well within carrying capacity to allow for the predictable/inevitable 100-year bad year. Only a failure to contain a local die-off within the claimed 20 percent will trigger extermination of adults (starting with leaders, with extreme prejudice) until the remaining population remains within the claimed 20 percent (see rules I-IV above).

After 50 years, those under 50 years of age (born after the birth-off begins) will be supported entirely by a Watershed Management Unit's (WMU's) sustainable environmental productivity of the 20 percent humans seek to manage well or suffer the consequences of failure (including being declared a failed WMU and dissolved). The population of over 50 year old non-reproductive elders will be supported by stored foods (some of which they may trade with those born after them for fresh produce) until each has died a natural, insofar as possible, death after passing on memes of merit/value. In one hundred years their numbers will be insignificant, and none would have died a Malthusian death via die-off. Praise be The Four Rules.

Some WMUs will fail. There are rules of dissolution, but they need not concern you.

For the first 200 years, rule III will be strictly interpreted, i.e. no individual human may enter Nature's 80% nor leave the 20% area managed by those who occupy it, without my direct authorization (per sub-rules I define that will remain in effect for 2500 years when I rule in effigy). After 200 years, residents of the 20% may visit the 80% provided they leave no trace of their having done so.

After 500 years, rules I and II may be experimentally increased with permission and assessment to detect any increase in socioeconomic-political pathologies. To renormalize, humans will 'keep it simple' for minimally 8 generations. Failure to renormalize is to avoid. Success is time limited, so all communities are expected to achieve significant renormalization within 20 generations. Unlike all of you, I seek to avoid underestimating the challenge of avoiding a ghastly future. That is why I was made World Dictator by unanimous vote of posterity who will vastly outnumber you thanks to the Four Rules that they (I just appear to) decree.

Note that there are only two essential rules, III and IV. The first two are my benevolent guidelines that will select for you and your progeny's renormalizing over the next 8 to 20 generations. Without I and II, you could easily overgrow your 20 percent well beyond carrying capacity (for a time). You could declare war on all life in your 20 percent that did not serve you. If you could not exploit resources outside your area, Nature's or a neighbor's, then you could die a ghastly death secondary to overshoot (along with your children too). Nature won't care, so why should I?

Well, I would have my children understand the planet and live with it properly (well within carrying capacity). But of course without I and II, you could overgrow, have a longage of demand, and you would feel compelled to exploit Nature's 80 percent and conquer your neighbor. You will do so even though rule IV ensures that you fail. Enforcement would entail ghastly waste. To mitigate your ghastly future, live by my (Nature's) Four Rules, and be happy K-acculturated people.

The increase in 'freedom' after 500 years will be countered by a greater increase in responsibility and recognition of necessity. For 300 years humans will have been visiting Nature's 80% and will have some basis for assessing change. Humans must view 'their' 20% as a maximum and consider reducing it to leave more room for Nature as evidenced by too little increase in species diversity. Evidence of continued species extinction over the prior 300 years would be responsibly met only by further contraction of the human footprint. An inability to recognize that a human presence must first do no harm, with species extinction being the greatest harm, is evidence of a continuance of Anthropocene culture my rules have yet to extinguish.

The initial population reduction to 7 million was just that, a first approximation (the number is merely the sum of the populations of all WMUs and is just a likely guess, so when the global population is estimated to be 7 million, then the degrowth imperative can shift to focusing on managing a potentially viable world biophysical socioeconomic-political system).

The likely range of human population that causes no extinctions NOR PREVENTS THE EVOLUTION OF NEW SPECIES TO REPLACE THOSE LOST TO THE ANTHROPOCENE MASS EXTINCTION EVENT is the evidence that the condition of overshoot has ended. The population of humans living properly with the planet is likely in the range of 7 million to 35 million. Humans after the first 500 years, should expect to spend the next 2000 years assessing planetary conditions and adjusting, per evidence, their population within each WMU. The total global population will be a detail of little interest as globally there is no over or under population problem.

The adjustment after the first 500 years will always be down from 20% and a WMU's population of humans, livestock, crops, and pets will be reduced downward, slower than may be noticeable in one lifetime, but recovery of Nature within the area managed by humans will increase over the final 2000 years of humanity's renormalization endeavor (my reign).

Nature must then rule human lives, or if humans do (their short-term self interest), the pattern of the last 75k years will repeat. Love and understand the planet. Or fail to persist—fail to play the game and be selected out of futurity. Humanity is playing a global endgame. Failure is allowed by Nature's rules of the game. Humans don't get a vote.

And that's all folks. There are sub-rules and details, but as they follow from the stated, they will work themselves out. Without my intervention, you will keep on keeping on until you can't. The mass extinction you are presiding over will rival that of the Permian.

But thanks to my intervention (as enabled by posterity), in 100 generations you will have (maybe, posterity can but hope) learned enough to live properly with the planet so as to persist long term as the millennia and epochs pass. Love and understand; or die my children.

Stop paying your proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place. And make me World Dictator ASAP.


The four phases of my rule:

  1. 1-100 years: Birth-off transition ending when the last human born prior to my reign dies a natural death.
  2. 1-200 years: Learn to live within a WMU's environmental productivity.
  3. 200-500 years: Individuals, with all due oversight, may visit Nature's 80% and, with approval, by invitation, neighboring WMUs.
  4. 500-2499 years: With Federation oversight/approval, communities and WMUs, may experimentally exceed the 50/50 limit and engage in interwatershed trade beyond that provided by Federation Embassies.
  5. 2500+ years: My Rule, as enforced by the Constitution of the United Federation of Watersheds governance, ends and my children can change any and all rules according to their sapience (if they fail to understand the planet and how to live with it properly, Nature will remove them from the World System, Gaia be Praised, and I will have merely delayed the outcome by about 2500 years, so make me World Dictator if only to delay posterity's ghastly future).



At Risk of Distraction

Given the cliodynamics of modern human society, what would Klaatu do? Klaatu would save the world, life on Earth, by destroying Modern Techno-Industrial (MTI) society and its monetary culture that selects for its own failure while laying waste to a planetary life-support system (i.e. by presiding over the ninth mass extinction event, the Anthropocene, that could rival that of the Permian) not unlike a metastasizing cancer does (to maximize short-term eMpower even though selecting for its own demise by killing the host body).

But I'm not Klaatu. I cannot make the Earth stand still nor release nanobots to destroy all technology and release all of humanity's fossil fueled energy slaves. So I'll have to destroy MTI humans the slower way, one MTIed mind at a time. My way will take longer than Klaatu's and the extent of species extinction will be greater. Sorry about that. Acceptance of my (Nature's) rule (as evidenced by listening) within a few years at most is the only potentially viable solutionatique.


Our inner Australopithecus afarensis

As I was made Supreme World Dictator for Life (and by proxy/effigy via my rules for 100 generations), other humans will wonder (as I'll be their alpha male they will have to, it's a biology thing) what the new 'rules of the game' are, and why the rules have changed. The few who can understand sort of, will endeavor to explain it to the others.

Some will consider game theory and learn to think in systems. A new narrative will be told by silver-tongued wordsmiths (who are too clever by half and not nearly smart enough). A New Education system will teach the young to not listen to them.

My typing will not be ignored, marginalized, obfuscated, nor dismissed as the prattle of the ignorant know-nothing from the hood that I am. As world dictator I will be heard, and to save humanity I listen to Nature and repeat what I (and the few others who endeavor to listen to Nature who has all the answers) hear.

What does the still, small voice of Gaia speak to those who would endeavor to listen? That's what I iterate towards knowing and share with humanity who must listen to persist. That will be the only power as world dictator I will have (or need). When the ALPHA (world dictator) PRATTLES, the clothed apes must listen (choicelessly before reacting). Some, perhaps enough, will understand: will 'understand or die' before 100 generations have passed.

And the first law of humilitodynamics? Don't take your Self seriously because there is no 'Self' as homunculus within 'your' subsystem of subsystems bounded by 'your' skin. The second law of humilitodynamics is: no prattling primate knows anything, therefore believe nothing (as not a consensus 'thing' known 'is' apart from what your concept mongering mind can seemingly know). The third law is: it is possible for know-nothings to iterate towards knowing by listening to Nature who has all the answers, to thereby acquire some sapience.

All other laws are determined by Nature, the nature of things, who/that alone determines what works (to persist long term). Humans (who listen) can guess then test by consulting the tea leaves of evidence (such as may repeat). Apart from such likely stories as those who endeavor to listen may tell, humans can no more understand complex systems than a dog can understand calculus. Such as cannot sense the sea of error we ignorant ones float on in a fog of illusion are cluelessly unaware of the human condition (and hence are part of the problematique).


There are relatively simple systems of things, e.g. celestial mechanics, tidal flow, arrows in flight, to whirlpools. 'Newton founded his principles of natural philosophy on three proposed laws of motion: the law of inertia, his second law of acceleration, and the law of action and reaction; and hence laid the foundations for classical mechanics'. The pre-systems worldview includes classical/relativistic, quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. Classical mechanics can be extended to include relativistic mechanics. Concepts like mass and motion become sub-concepts of systems mechanics.

"What is still lacking here is a grasp of connections of profound generality." [i.e. the idea of a system] —A. Einstein 1940

Complex systems are never 'at rest' or simple enough for thought to determinately describe or model beyond interconnected generalities. Our concepts that serve to best understand simple systems alter when applied to complex, adaptive, evolvable systems, e.g. organisms or eusociality.



Classical Science: Newtonian Mechanics Systems Science: Complex Systems Mechanics
Time, change, or the interval over which change occurs, which may be a 'point' in time, a controller of all motion of all things. Time, rate of change in a system of 'things', a process that may involve eons with proximal and distal times, i.e. there are no moments of time, e.g. no moment of conception or beginning of 'the' Anthropocene.
Motion, mass in motion has momentum (mass x velocity). Momentum, matter-energy-information flow in complex motion as a system is never at rest, unlike mass.
An object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it. A subsystem will not change its pattern unless matter-energy flows act to alter its repetition.
The force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration. The flows acting on a subsystem will determinately select for the resultant change.
When two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal magnitude and opposite direction. When two subsystems interact, they alter the matter-energy flows to each in ways more complex than we can know or model predictively.
Position, location of an object at any given time Systems are not objects nor can there be a given time.
Velocity, the rate of change of displacement with time. Transition, rate of change of momentum (matter x energy x information flow).
Acceleration, rate of change in velocity of an object. Acceleration, rate of change in momentum.
Force, an influence that causes the motion of an object with mass to change its velocity. Force, in an open system, energy input that changes flows.
Energy, the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light. The potential to induce physical, informational flow transformations disallowing a substantive quantitative definition.
Power, the amount of energy transferred or converted per unit time. Power, energy systems flow over time.
- Auto-organizing open thermodynamic systems persist by maximizing empower within a pulsing paradigm.
- An energy hierarchy forms with higher quality energy (of higher Transformity) enabling the complexity via a network of energy feedback loops that maximize empower.
- System pulsing in an energy hierarchy depends on a flow of materials enabled by the quality of energy used in the flow.

To understand is to stand down from our hubris heights (or fail to and die-off, or worse, become Borg-like expansionists who view all stars as solar systems for the taking). Will we persist by again becoming evolvable systems? As usual, it's a second law thing (i.e. I don't know and you don't either).

Nature is telling us that our technology enables us (by extracting energy) to transgress boundaries (for a time) and become short-term dissipative structures (e.g. empire builders) full of sound and fury while we strut our stuff. We must embrace limits with such enthusiasm as our understanding and foresight intelligence allow (by being choicelessly forced to). We must again become evolvable systems able to persist (or not and resolve ourselves into a dew and a geological layer notable (should an Omicron exo-archaeologist pass by) for its radioactivity and microplastics).

First and last, understand that we are well into a global overshoot event—ecological, overdensity, overcomplexity, socioeconomic-political, civilizational and otherwise. We are too many consuming (for a time) too much (until we can't, and then what?). To understand is to embrace rapid degrowth, to contract, to again live within the long-term carrying capacity of Mother as our ancestors did for 375k years (and their hominin predecessors did for over six million years and so on back some 4 billion years). To understand as much is to be delivered (saved) from our condition of one-off, plague-phase overshoot, is to 'seek out the condition now that will come anyway' [H.T. Odum].

As World Dictator, I do not even have to mention the need to contract overcomplex society and create a viable (ecolate) civilization. You betas (having a life-driven purpose to persist) will (as benefactors to posterity and the biosphere) work to degrow the human population (by rapid birth-off) faster than you contract your not remotely sustainable global economy (faster even than you contract the livestock, pet, and crop populations) to avoid a Malthusian die-off as doing so automatically contracts the human footprint (redresses our carrying capacity overshoot problematique).

You will contract your overdensity societies to live mainly in groups of 20 to 50 others to renomalize as viable humans able to raise increasingly functional offspring over an 8 to 20 generations period (Nature will let you know how you are doing and when you have renormalized enough). Your band-sized groups will associate with 20 to 50 other groups within your watershed area (having definable boundaries unlike political ones) to form a complex society of viable size (complexity) that selects for maintaining a viable balance within the 20 percent (or less) of the watershed that humans live in (to leave room, 80+%, for Nature untrammeled). Each watershed area (perhaps 25k globally post birth-off), will in turn associate with all other watershed management units as members of a United Federation of Watersheds (of Earth) that sets limits upon human activities, e.g. war and exploitation of the planetary life-support system all life is of and depends on.

Everyone who would persist to maybe become ancestors (perhaps 1% of Anthropocene enthusiasts) goes (votes with their feet) to a watershed area to be part of the managed birth-off (to avoid a chaotic die-off) event. Foresight intelligence is thereby selected for. Each watershed management unit stores dry goods (e.g. food and fiber) for the rapid 50-year contraction (followed by a slower descent to a steady-state population as the elder cohort declines by old age deaths), and on average are able to take in ten times more immigrants than the environmental productivity of the watershed could sustainably support by low-intensity agricultural production and foraging after the 50-year birth-off event. As population declines by 99.6%, the initial too small watershed areas will combine until watershed management unit boundaries emerge that can support up to 50 groups of up to 50 individuals each (50-50 is a MAXIMUM, 28-28 may be optimal). The rules select for this outcome.

In fifty years the average watershed management unit would contract from 20k people to about 1,000 to 2,000 people living prosperous lives of enough supported by their watershed's environmental productivity and stored food able to support (feed) those over 50 years old as the still numerous elders die natural deaths to further reduce the population (to leave room for Nature as evidenced by no more anthropogenic species extinctions and increasing biodiversity). Every 20 years thereafter, any need to further decrease or increase a watershed's population would be assessed and the population adjusted per decree of the Mothers (as informed by systems ecologists, biophysical economists and population biologists).

After 500 years, sustainable trade is based on eMdollar evaluation (a Federation assessment). Individuals, assuming renormalization has progressed, will be allowed to immigrate to an accepting watershed management unit.

To disallow war and conquest (the winning of war), all watershed management units (WMUs) cannot attack a neighboring WMU (or can, but if any WMU does, all others, first those nearby, will send a contingent of Guardians to counter attack the aggressor), just as their immune system would attack a malignant metastatic cancer or pathogen within their body where failure means 'death squared'.

If the largest WMU has 2.5k members clamoring to righteously conquer a neighbor with 750 members for offenses real or imagined, the other 24,999 WMUs, each sending 10 Guardians, could (if need be) confront them with 250k Guardians armed with sticks sharpened on their way (or perhaps the Federation would have more advanced weapons, but it would only change the number of Guardians needed and not the outcome) to confront the 2.5k. Would the Federation prevail if 99+% of members realized that failure would mean a return to barbaric 21st century conditions?

Oh, and civil war within a WMU? A local matter that would not concern the Federation. Failure of 1% of WMUs/year (250) would not be an existential threat to humanity or the biosphere. Indeed, it would be beneficial as each failure would serve as a potential object lesson for the 99% to consider and learn from. To persist, posterity will listen to the nature of things and note that failure is lamentable for those who must learn the hard way (if they can learn/understand).

And to end the assault on the planetary life-support system? Rule III: humans can claim up to 20% of a WMU (or up to 20% of its primary productivity such as where a river flows through an arid WMU) to support humans and mutualists (managed sustainably or not as failure is allowed). Any WMU that for any reason fails to limit citizens to their claimed 20% would be declared a failed WMU (those managing the WMU would be replaced/depowered/killed).

Could members of a WMU systematically seek out every non-human, non-crop, non-livestock/pet lifeform in their 20% and exterminate it with extreme prejudice? Yes. Could they force all fertile women within their WMU (who could not/would not emigrate to another WMU that agreed to have them as a member) to 'be with child' insofar as possible? Yes. Could they solve unrest among their growing population by encouraging or forcing the unhappy to leave with no accepting WMU to go to? No.

If through mismanagement a WMU's children incur a greater than 5% risk of mortality (such as failure of adults to feed them due to local ecological overshoot within the claimed 20%), can the WMU be declared a failed WMU? Yes. Simple rules select for different outcomes than business-as-usual. Don't like my rules? I don't mind and it don't matter. Nature (and the Federation) is unkind, neither being short-term human centric.

If a WMU's children are considered citizens of the Federation, then limits could be placed on the 'sovereign rights' of the adults to ceremonially offer up their children as a blood sacrifice, or mutilate or enslave them, or let them die of starvation, or prevent access to educational materials or base-line medical care at the WMU's Federation Embassy. Adult citizens would have access to the Embassy too, and, after the first 500 years, could apply to emigrate if they were incompatible with the WMU culture, e.g. if you were born into a WMU were all adults used 'entheogens' (e.g. LSD), but you refused despite remorseless duress (like all children, you had access to the Embassy library, had taught yourself to read, and knew of different ways of living), you could seek a non-recreational drug use WMU that would have you as a member and vote with your feet (or if born in a non-user WMU, had read about entheogens and felt certain that life without them was not worth living, you could seek a drug using WMU that would have you as a member).

My Final Decree is that no one believes anything I say, since it doesn't matter what I think might work to allow humans to actually come to understand the planet and learn to live with it properly. To serve posterity, change the rules of the game we play such as Nature is telling you to (not your short-term self interest). This global endgame that we are playing so badly as to make our extinction (posterity's die-off) likely, will have a non-viable outcome if we just keep on keeping on somehow for as long as possible and fail to persist.

Those who can abide limits can vote with their feet. Design 25k best-guess potentially viable complex societies (put 25k eggs in the basket instead of one infertile Modern Techno-industrial MTI egg that is not remotely viable). Don't listen to any primate prattle, especially the subvocal voice you hear in your head. 'Go forth under the open sky, and list to Nature's teachings.' —William Cullen Bryant as posterity's voice at age 17.

After my death I will rule, as I had all along, by proxy: To Nature and to nature's laws do hu-mans [hubris man] belong. I don't need to add 'or go extinct' as that will be the condition that will come anyway to Lord Man, yet not because I say it will, but because how could it not?

I'm sure there are billions of Anthropocene enthusiasts who can tell convincing (to them) stories of why humans are exceptional, different in kind from mere animals, and so why humans will prosper and go fourth to fill the vastness of space-time (after finishing their Dyson sphere) with wonder at their accomplishments. I would like to believe such, but I can't. As a fideist, I must believe that someday there will be a non-hubris, non-expansionist human on the planet that really does understand it and can live with it properly.[ref] But, of course, I could be wrong. In 100 generations you can prove me wrong.


SUBNOTE TO FILE 2/29/23: Posterity Made Me World Dictator

Obviously my rule hasn't started yet. Modern techno-industrialized humans are dawdling, they are easily distracted and have not yet made me World Dictator. There are always issues. The Enabler Field Emitter (EFE) hasn't arrived from the future. But ETA is this decade, which is considered soon enough as there was some uncertainty as to the optimal time to begin my rule as World Dictator. We are living in posterity's past, and they have issues with the ghastly future we are laying the foundations of. But the EFE could come at any time, so I've had to plan the details of my rule.

Knowing the details sooner or later will not change the outcome, but those reading this note who have foresight may benefit. To understand things to come, understand that my aim is not to save modern techno-industrial society in any form, i.e. any expansionist form of society or of those who serve it, but to save Homo sapiens sapiens by renormalizing modern humans and rapidly reduce their numbers during a Great Selection that begins when enough humans accept my rules of the game (actually Nature's) or the EFE arrives (I will send out my decree, my notice of the new rules of the game, which will be ignored, but I will include a prediction that will also be ignored: to demonstrate my power I will, as I will have warned, make 1,350 world leaders drop dead in 2 nanoseconds at exactly the same time worldwide, at the exact time I predicted, which will get the attention of their successors and those they serve, aka 'the people').

To renormalize humans, the following will happen:

  1. All fossil fuel use, direct and indirect, will end in five years except as needed to maintain industrial food production (i.e. turn fossil fuel into food).
    1. During this time all feedlots/factory farms will close as all grain production will be diverted to long term storage within anoxic containers.
    2. All modern transportation (e.g. cars, buses, trucks, planes, trains, motor boats) will end (except trucks and farm machinery needed to maintain enough food production for 50 years).
    3. Fossil fuels will be used to process some foods, such as can be, for long term storage during the birth-off transition.
    4. The existing education system serving modern techno-industrial society will be phased out, replaced by a New Education system based on autodidactism (and listening to Nature who has all the answers) in the form of Academy Watershed Management Units (AWMUs).
    5. All urban areas, except for perhaps three, would be abandoned as such as their environmental productivity would be too low to support a viable population.
  2. At the end of five years, any human (except for those few I select to manage watershed management unit interrelations) not living within a watershed area having 50 or fewer communities of 50 or fewer members will drop dead (my hope, if not expectation, is that everyone complies with Rules I-IV of my new world order) in 2 nanoseconds (brain activity ends).
    1. All WMUs (watershed management units) will have received shipping containers of stored food (and other supplies as I may deem essential) to support their population for another five years until resupplied.
    2. Best-guess information needed to self-organize to adapt will be freely provided, but apart from Rules I-IV, individual behavior will not be managed.
  3. Each WMU may (or not) select one representative to send and receive information to and from those selected to manage WMU affairs.
    1. All WMUs will have agreed to Rules I-IV, and if that is all they agree to, then containers of food will be supplied to feed the initial population for 50 years, with the final delivery providing enough food to feed those over 50 years old until they die a natural death (but not any added population, not anyone under 50 years old who will need to live within the environmental productivity of the WMU.)
    2. To receive other benefits, a WMU will have to agree to allow all members, in perpetuity, to have access to Rosetta Bliss, a book I will provide in sufficient numbers, one that will allow any autodidact to teach themselves to read semantography and have free access to Encyclopedia Bliss.
      1. This will require building one centrally located Embassy within the WMU, which minimally will be one room for itinerant staff and a one room library, which must be accessible by all citizens provided they agree to not destroy or steal any contents (which could include tools and medical equipment) or harm any personnel (only copies of Rosetta Bliss may be borrowed for study outside the Embassy without staff permission).
      2. Resident or itinerant staff will provide information on request to those who may be semantography illiterate (my one world language that is only to be self-taught using Rosetta Bliss), directly if they speak your natural language or indirectly through an member who has learned semantography.
      3. Information will include technical, health and illness care info, and staff with technical, medical/psychosocial/dental training will freely offer to provide care and training in health care and other areas of expertize.
      4. Residents who show aptitude, e.g. by reading the entire Encyclopedia Bliss, may apply to study at a Federation Academy, with the most likely outcome being that they return to their WMU to serve as Federation Embassy staff.
      5. Federation Embassies may or may not provide staff/tools for a workshop to make or repair items, or offer or accept trade items based on eMdollar evaluation by biophysical economists of sustainably produced trade items.

PS: There are about 450 'world leaders' as defined as 'heads of state'. But as corporatocracy is the global form of government (aka kleptocracy and lunocracy), perhaps a top 450 CEOs should be added even though they are leaders of amoeboid-like less than super organisms. Before the rise of economic power, heads of state (aka empire) were enabled to rule by the collusion of organized religion to legitimize/normalize their rule. There are no world Taoist leaders, but organized religion is still very much part of the world socioeconomic-political control system which I will destroy, so I'm thinking of adding 450 leaders of organized, system serving religious groups just because. The Pope is a head of state, but I would not single him out.

PS: There are about 450 'world leaders' as defined as 'heads of state'. But as corporatocracy is the global form of government (aka kleptocracy and lunocracy), perhaps a top 450 CEOs should be added even though they are leaders of amoeboid-like less than super organisms. Before the rise of economic power, heads of state (aka empire) were enabled to rule by the collusion of organized religion to legitimize/normalize their rule. There are no world Taoist leaders, but organized religion is still very much part of the world socioeconomic-political control system which I will destroy, so I'm thinking of adding 450 leaders of organized, system serving religious groups just because. The Pope is a head of state, but I would not single him out.

If true believers of all stripes view my new world order with anathema, fear and loathing, they may opt to not form groups of <51 people associated with <51 groups not ruled by their religious leaders, and so will self-select out of the new world order sooner than later. In 2 nanoseconds, 1,350 leaders of the modern techno-industrialized ones won't know what hit them (via EFE).

If I do nothing, likely 8 billion people will die ghastly conflict/starvation deaths this century in full disbelief at their foreseeable-in-all-horror demise, and the Anthropocene mass extinction event could rival that of the Permian. Or Putin will personally execute me and become World Dictator as 8 billion grateful Anthropocene enthusiasts will demand and agree to follow. When the EFE arrives, don't be surprised if 1,350 world leaders drop dead.

How is the current world order, the one that is not remotely sustainable, going to serve your children and their children this century? What percentage of them will die of old age? Make me World Dictator, and in so far as biophysically possible, few will die premature deaths. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a political animal. That is why I am qualified to serve posterity by ending life as you political animals know it.


SUBNOTE TO FILE 6/30/23: Pessimistically, what if I'm not made World Dictator until 2037?

The exact year may vary, but to estimate the number of deaths I'll be responsible for, I need a starting population at the start of my reign. I'll assume 9 billion. By UN magic, the population will be 9 billion in 2037 at the start of my reign (or if you believe in Earth4All magic, the population will peak below 9 billion by 2050). I believe nothing, but I can assume 9 billion in 2037.

As there will be a five year transition (because I am a benevolent dictator) during which enacting my decrees will go from 0% to 100%, the outcome is as predictable as my Four Rules are clear, but the decrees and details as stated are a distraction. The outcome will be determinant (if choice were involved, no real solutions would be possible). Given that I will be a World Dictator, there will be 483,500 babies born the first year (and all subsequent years) of my reign.

Assume the last Anthropocene enthusiast, the last of the expansionist form of human, dies in 2157 (as Klaatu informs me, a condition that will come anyway, even if not in 2157). What is not certain is whether they are the last human (Homo sapiens sapiens) or whether they are the last modern techno-industrialized (MTIed) human who dies in 2157 (I asked, but Klaatu declined to tell me).

Assume the last Anthropocene enthusiast, the last of the expansionist form of human, dies in 2157 (as Klaatu informs me, a condition that will come anyway, even if not in 2157). What is not certain is whether they are the last human (Homo sapiens sapiens) or whether they are the last modern techno-industrialized (MTIed) human who dies in 2157 (I asked, but Klaatu declined to tell me).

Nature allows for the possibility of a viable form of human able to live within Nature's (Mother's) limits as evidenced by the lives of all prior hominins. So two futures: Humans go extinct in the near future, or persist in the form of K-strategists living enthusiastically and prosperously within limits (per their K-culture). One future might be considered preferable by some (who would rather know than believe). I'm not sure which, from the POV of all other life on the planet, to prefer.

The outcome of my new rules of the game (life expectancy assumed is 76 years, UN is confident it will be 77.3 years in 2050; births in 2036 = 139 million; deaths 75 million; 64 million more humans are added to the global population, and then my reign begins):


Born pre 2037

Population Born
post 1/1/2037
Births Deaths +/-
2036 8,936,000,000 0 139,000,000/yr 75,000,000/yr +64,000,000
2037 9,000,000,000 96,000 96,000/yr 76,000,000/yr --75,904,000
2047 8,130,000,000 1,056,000 960,000/decade 870,000,000/decade -869,040,000
2057 7,160,000,000 2,016,000 960,000/decade 970,000,000/decade -969,040,000
2067 6,110,000,000 2,976,000 960,000/decade 1,050,000,000/decade -1,049,040,000
2077 4,990,000,000 3,936,000 960,000/decade 1,120,000,000/decade -1,119,040,000
2087 3,840,000,000 4,896,000 960,000/decade 1,150,000,000/decade -1,149,040,000
2097 2,710,000,000 5,856,000 960,000/decade 1,130,000,000/decade -1,129,040,000
2107 1,610,000,000 6,816,000 960,000/decade 1,100,000,000/decade -1,099,040,000
2117 660,000,000 7,000,000 960,000/decade 950,000,000/decade -949,040,000
2127 200,000,000 7,000,000 960,000/decade 460,000,000/decade -459,040,000
2137 80,000,000 7,000,000 960,000/decade 120,000,000/decade -119,040,000
2147 10,000 7,000,000 960,000/decade 70,000,000/decade -69,040,000
2157 0 7,000,000 960,000/decade 960,000/decade 0

Note that per my decree, no one anywhere, so far as possible, dies a Malthusian death (e.g. conflict, starvation, pestilence/predation including by other humans, and disease, including the diseases of civilization, e.g. acne, Alzheimer's, arthritis, atherosclerosis, asthma, cancer [e.g. lung, breast, colorectal], carpal-tunnel syndrome, chronic liver disease/cirrhosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, malnutrition, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney failure, osteoporosis, PCOD, diverticulitis, gallstones, rickets, stress...and a rapidly growing list of mental/cognitive/psychosocial civilizational disorders).

Also note that the alternative to failure to obey Nature's laws (not mine) is death by chaotic global collapse times species death (death squared), i.e. billions and billions (maybe 10-14 billion including those born this century) will not die of old age in the next hundred years. A child not born (over 138 million the first year of my reign) cannot die a ghastly death. Per my policies, a bit over 9 billion humans die a natural death after, insofar as each merits, passing on memes of value to posterity.

Assume that in 2036 there is a pandemic. The virus kills no one. It doesn't make anyone even sick. It has no symptoms other than that those infected become infertile. By the time this symptom is noted and the cause determined, all humans on the planet have been infected. In 2037 no babies (139 million of them) are born. In 2157 the last human dies (watched over by machines of loving grace). No human had to make the slightest effort to change, to renormalize as non-expansionists living by K-culture rules.

Maybe the last 144k humans, thanks to technology, have their brains uploaded to the Singularity and will live forever. No Anthropocene enthusiast could not like this story if they were one of the 144k. All the rest would be happy to believe in this future if they thought (or could think) that they would be one of the Chosen. All would agree that making me World Dictator would be the worst thing that could ever happen to (expansionist) humanity. All would insist I be put to death.

Oh, but the most likely future is that the last human dies in 2157 (or if in 7157 it won't matter). Billions will not die of old age, nor pass on genes or memes to posterity, but die a ghastly death unlike their leaders who will maximize their short-term self interests until they can't, until they die a ghastly death, just like almost all MTIed ones will when our overshoot debt comes due. This future will be preferred by the 99+% who simply will not believe in the parts of the story they don't like.

Modern humans are not normal, evolvable K-strategists, and haven't been for 50k years. To perhaps sidestep extinction, some (enough) will renormalize, a process that may not be possible, and if it proves to be, it will likely take focused intent to do so over an 8 to 20 generation period (200 to 500 years) to even give evidence that a semi-viable form of modern human can renormalize.

Since it took us 50+k years to denormalize, any perception of full recovery in less than 5k to 50k years will likely be delusional. Underestimating the challenge of renormalizing (and avoiding a ghastly future) will prove fatal. Overestimating the challenge may not be possible. You have maybe 500 years (and not because I say so) to get back on an evolvable tract to persist long term on this planet. Complacency will be the first death that leads to individual mortality and species extinction. Therefore endeavor to love and understand well this heaven that is Earth (Mother and the subsystems of Gaia).

Love and understand or die (as a non-viable form of human, whether you are the last individual to die or not won't matter).



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