Seek Out the Condition Now

That will come anyway


"What is the general answer? Eject economic expansionism, stop growth, use available energies for cultural conversion to steady state, seek out the condition now that will come anyway, but by our service be our biosphere's handmaiden anew." —Howard T. Odum




Abstract: We who cannot save ourselves must die, collectively and individually. There can be no Self salvation. Starting by dying to the belief that it is Self over system is obtainable, for the price of an effort.

COOS BAY (A-P) — There is an implied conditional 'if' that comes with 'anyway'. The condition that will come if we persist as a viable (adapting, evolving) species. If humans go extinct, then game over, no troubles to solve ('Life is trouble. Only death is not.' —Zorba). Oblivion comes for all time for the storytelling animal on a wordless world. Artifacts may remain and a passing spacefarer may take note of them, or a species of corvid (they survived the last mass extinction event) may persist, adapt, and evolve into a concept forming eusocial species that comes to tell stories of the past lives of another teller of tales that used technology to destroy itself, but no human would ever hear their stories or offer different ones to proclaim the condition of error, ignorance, and illusion they were embodied in and not eMpowered by (long-term).

To seek out the condition now that will come if we learn to understand and live properly with the planet would involve our standing down, our letting go of our view from Mt. Hubris we have enthusiastically climbed, the tower of belief-based Babel we have constructed. Our sense of egoic human supremacy stands down and we become sane. Or not.

In life we must be dead. Hu-mans of NIMH cannot understand why. All our 'we are' stories are stories. All our 'I am' narratives are tales told by idiots that signify nothing. There are no 'true' stories. We habitually mistake the pointing finger for the Moon and fail to throw ourselves into the humility of Not Knowing. The concept 'moon' is not the Moon, nor is 'rainbow' light refracted by the mist of a waterfall falling on a retina. A hydrological map is not the mist, a drop, nor the river we cannot step in twice.

To let go of one's words, words, words is not possible for storytelling minds. Yet there is the silence of Mind. Thought can stand down. To seek Mind with the concept-forming mind is the greatest of all mistakes.

As a species we can stand down to reach our full potential of becoming ordinary, like our fellow organisms who also persist. The extra-ordinary pass away, are not selected for, being beyond what works. As individual subsystems we may come to know that we do not exist as separate, persistent, individuated entities. We are brief whirlwinds within the biosphere and 'we', each 'I', dissipate back into what we always were. But 'we' would rather believe than know.

To stand down, to let go of our stories, seems like its opposite: death. So we will not and cannot let go of our illusions. Can there then be no deliverance? To understand our illusionment as such is to be delivered from it. No one can choose to stand down. Choiceless awareness does not involve choice. There is only the freedom of total determinism. Know then thyself as illusion.



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