- Aluna: Kogi word, like Gaia, a metaphor for system Earth, our environment, the planetary life-support system, aka Mother Nature. Without thought, without the endeavor to think well, there is no getting right with Aluna for humans.
- Anthropocentrism: Default view of empire-builders, the 99+% of industrial society, who agree growth is good, that humans are the axis about which all that matters (apart from putative anthropomorphic supernatural beings) spin.
- Birth pons: In a rationing system, possession of a birth pon enables birth control to be suspended and any pregnancy to go full-term.
- Ecolacy: First pillar of educated mind. The second is literacy, and the third is numeracy; ecolacy implies systems science literacy that allow the essential dots of silo science to be viewed as interconnected. The three pillars.

- Ecolate: Systems science literate. The endeavor to iterate towards understanding the dynamics of the world system through the macroscope of systems ecology to account for the complex interdependencies that underpin the natural environment and to consider the unintended consequences, short term and long-term, of changing the system by asking, 'And then what?', so that we may come to have enough humans on the planet that really do understand it and can live with it properly. n. A regional management unit; Earth has seven globe ecolates with 30 sub-regions or sub-ecolates that contain hundreds of watershed management units or home ecolates (abbrv. homlates, e.g. 'I live in the Chetco coastal homlate in West Northern America in an area that used to be called Oregon'.)
- Emdollar: For equitable trade, the 'real' value is the energy embodied in trade items, measured in emdollars. Trade in current and prior centuries has strongly favored developed countries.
- EMergy: The amount of energy that was consumed in direct and indirect transformations to make a product or service. Emergy is a measure of quality differences between different forms of energy. And it matters.
- EMigrant: An intentional refugee from unsustainable techno-industrial society who seeks refuge in a watershed management unit.
- Empower: Emergy production and use per unit of time.
- Euro-Sino Empire: The now global empire that began in Europe with the Industrial Revolution, then shifted to America for a brief time before 7% to 10% growth and overproduction shifted to the Sino region where the endgame will be played out as there is no Planet B.
- Gog: Open AI source of vetted information.
- Homlate: Short for home ecolate, a watershed management unit as known by those who live in it.
- Homo s. sapiens var. narrator: Memetic hominin, the storytelling animal, appearing in Homo sapiens linage 40 to 70 thousand years ago. Mutation not apparent in fossil record, enabling belief-based stories .
- Hu-man: Short for hubris man.
- Info-ether: The low-power and vetted Internet techno-scholars will hopefully develop to best preserve information in an accessible form.
- Macroscope: The conceptual toolbox (maximum power principle, energy hierarchy, emergy, transformity, dynamics of self-organizing complex systems, systems science) that allows humans to take in the big picture in order to understand system Earth and learn to live with it properly.
- Naturocracy: A social control system that defines naturcentric limits to human demands on planetary resources such that humans continue to live well within a watershed's carrying capacity as the millennia pass and 'find glory in being an agent of the Earth' [H.T. Odum].
- Perpon: Personal coupon for discretionary spending, not linked to an individual, hence exchangeable for any good or service and may be stolen. 'A fool and his perpons are soon parted'. Equivalent to money in Anthropocene epoch. Perpons are issued equitably to all Federation citizens on the winter solstice.
- Pon: A coupon issued to an individual who alone can exchange it for specified goods or services. Stealing someone's pons would be pointless, hence theft rare. Pons come in forms required to meet actual needs, e.g. food-pons, clothing-pons, water-pons.
- Pyre Place: A gathering place to celebrate the life of a deceased person when their rolling room is burned with them in it and the ashes sifted for screws to be reused.
- Rolling room: Made to last a lifetime, rolling rooms, 1.8-3 m2/person inside room, may be joined by couples when not rolling. Additional rooms may be added for children who, on coming of age, may detach and roll elsewhere. Wheels added only to move and speed limited to walking speed, but may roll onto barges and cross rivers or oceans.
- Techno-scholar: Evidence-based scholars who set limits to use of existing technology, maintain appropriate technology, and develop new technology to assist humans to live properly within limits with Aluna.
- Sublate: A management unit, 30 global, below ecolate and above bioregions of watershed management units.
- SYSTEM: Short for socio-political-economic-educational-military-religious-legal-media-intelligentsia control system, a subsystem of complex societies. Societies exceeding Dunbar's number (about 150 with 20 to 50 optimal) in population become complex societies that select for hierarchy and require/develop a SYSTEM, which is neither good nor bad apart from whether the SYSTEM works to balance Man's demands on Nature's resources (and elites on commoners) or not. Failure to manage human demands leads to failure of the biophysical life-support system that human persistence depends on. So system over self, not SYSTEM over self or self over SYSTEM as false dichotomy.
See Overshoot Glossary
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