MONDAY, OCT 7, 2024

The Increase in the Number of Girls Who Want to Be Boys

2% of American high school students now identify as transgender



Intro: I belong to a by-invitation listserv of mostly retired scientists, academics, numerous professors emeriti..., with a focus on human ecology and ecological overshoot. Some are political/religious animals on the Left or Right of the political spectrum, but politics and religion are off topic. One conservative member shared a link to a video from PragerU which I did not watch, but a transcript was provided, which I read. I knew PragerU was not a real university, and was biased towards serving the concerns of conservatives who have different values than the left-leaning, e.g. they value values.

If the listserv was an echo-chamber, I wouldn't waste my time on it. Members are all high functioning, hyper-intelligent (if not pandimensional), and they don't cite pseudo-science as doing so would be called out/noted.

So I considered the claims made and boiled the transcript down to "just the facts, ma'am" by removing language/claims supporting conservative views apart from the facts cited. I checked out the 18 sources cited for claims and all seem credible sources, i.e. no post-truth pseudoscience claims.

The information was of interest despite the source. I've been known to even cite NYT articles if they check out. The presupposition that because NYT (I once searched all NYT content back to 1853 or about then for any use of the word 'overshoot' in the context of 'ecological overshoot' and found zero mention as the condition doesn't exist in their worldview) or because PragerU publishes an article, then it must be wrong is unsound. By chance some claims/stories from sources of known bias can be of interest/value.

I posted the PragertU offering because against all odds, the claims made did check out. I've taken several self-assessment tests that claim to show where on the political spectrum you are, and I am always put on the left-leaning side despite being militantly apolitical. None of the tests assessed me (or could any human) as possibly not being on the political spectrum (presumed not possible), and so I judged each test to be a failure. Some issues can only be mentioned by left biased sources and others only by right biased sources (e.g. gender issues critically considered), so I view each as of potential value, i.e. each can criticize the other's blind spots where self-criticism is lacking. 

The email notification from autonomous Medium staff moderator:


I am writing in regards to your post on

We have determined that your post is in violation of our rules:

Hateful content

We do not allow content that constitutes or promotes violence, harassment, or hatred against people based on characteristics like race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, disability, disease, age, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity.

We do not allow posts or accounts that glorify, celebrate, downplay, or trivialize violence, suffering, abuse, or deaths of individuals or groups. This includes the use of scientific or pseudoscientific claims or misleading statistics to pathologize, dehumanize, or disempower others. We do not allow calls for intolerance, exclusion, or segregation based on protected characteristics, nor do we allow the glorification of groups which do any of the above.

We do not allow hateful text, images, symbols, or other content, including in your username, profile, or bio.

It is now suspended.

We do not allow content that may undermine the dignity and rights of transgender and/or non-binary individuals. This may include misgendering, dead-naming, claims that transgender individuals are not their gender identity (“trans women are men”), or erroneous claims based on disinformation or pseudoscience.

Repeated violation of our rules may result in additional suspensions, decreased distribution of your posts, and potential suspension of your account.

Trust & Safety


Okay, good to know, but I remain clueless as to what hate speech or pseudoscience I am trying to spread. So I cannot avoid future offences.

The post had 14 'claps' and three comments, e.g. "PragerU is a propaganda outlet. Why bother with them at all? They exist to promote belief (and not knowledge)." to which I replied because it contained a question:

And Oxford etc. is a propaganda outlet for the Left, but I may still cite data in graphical form, e.g. from Our World in Data, if it checks out, while ignoring their interpretation of the data filtered through their political narrative. If only by chance, not every claim made by everyone at Oxford or PragerU can be dismissed, though all claims are to question. "Useful idiots" are legion. Gender studies is a pretend science as offered to supply demand in most universities that offer it. In India you can get a PhD in Vedic Astrology at any major university. Nature is a better source than primate prattle, but if the data fits..... I'm guessing no one at Oxford can cite disconfirming evidence about the consensus narrative all right thinking scholars agree is true in the hallowed halls there, nor at PragerU. That's why both serve on occasion to cancel each other out, usually but not always. Both have blind spots, but both can be sighted on some issues.

As all scholars in India with a PhD in Vedic Astrology are likely to agree, my view of their science as a 'pretend science' is hate speech pure and simple. I convict myself by using such extremely offensive words as 'pretend', which is the same view I have of neoclassical economics and 'autoethnography' and the list goes on. I'm even critical is Islamist ideology and so must be an Islamophobic Jew-lover who wants to kill Palestinian babies. 

I also fail to agree that underpopulation is an existential threat to humanity, i.e. I opine only to spread ecofascist hate, the anti-human claim that there are at least two orders of magnitude too many humans on the planet because (it must be so) I'm a racist who wants to kill black babies.

And yes, I am a fascist and a Jew. It happened about 20 years ago. I was at a monthly meeting of a Center for Inquiry (CFI) meeting that was always a gathering in a large auditorium to hear a guest lecture/presentation. I was even responsible for one of the guests being invited, a Dr. Zuhdi Jasser who is currently running for congress as a GOP candidate (which I just found out when I searched for his name to make sure it was spelled correctly), but when I knew of him he was a devout, practicing Muslim (still is) who was an anti-Islamist too (i.e. an Islamophobe). The CFI group of Tucson AZ invited him, he presented, and the many Jews who were CFI members had no issues with me for instigating his invitation nor the group leadership who checked him out and invited him.

I became a Jew at a CFI meeting. Most members were atheists (I once went to an atheist meeting whose members were mostly also CFI member I knew and passed out copies of an essay I had written, "Why I Am Not an Atheist" and returned to receive a critical reply the next month, but was merely ignored) and many also self described as Jewish. During a group discussion period following a lecture, one member asked another member to explain why (or how) someone could be both Jewish and an atheist. 

Inquiring minds want to know. The answer was clearly stated (as usual) and convincing (not as usual given that skeptical inquirers have the superpower of questioning claims). The answer was, "As long as there is antisemitism in the world, then I'm a Jew." 

Dr. Jasser (or Ayaan Hirsi Ali—God knows I love this bitch) isn't anti semitic. When I heard this reply I had a religious epiphany. I realized I was Jewish too. Antisemitism recently raised its Hydra's head on a degrowth group I had been contributing to for a couple of years, and so I disengaged from the group (stopped posting). And I'm a fascist whenever my path crosses that of an anti fascist.

If a Medium moderator randomly checks my 797 published Medium posts, they will easily find multiple hate speech transgressions that might make neoclassical economists, astrologers, those with a PhD in autoethnography feel that Medium is not a safe space for them to feel at home in. I stand convicted on more counts of being an ecofascist anti-human Islamophobe et al. than I can imagine (and the right-leaning, especially the Far of any ideology, agree).

Medium is for-profit social media and there is no appeal to "We have determined that your post is in violation of our rules". Of the posted 797 missives, none are paywalled. I have 495 followers and 97 drafts are queued to post at a rate of one a day as I limit myself to perhaps not annoy. I can cancel the 97 and continue to add to the number of drafts without posting any. Or not bother and post content on this website with no visitors. The potential for constructive, critical feedback will be lost, but that's all.

It will take me some time to copy published and unpublished articles and move them to my website, so I will not soon delete all posts before cancelling my membership before someone else has to (Quora moderators effectively ended my use of their platform to spread hate speech/pseudoscience, and the same pattern is repeating--time to get out of Dodge). 

I have started to write a book, which I was going to serialize and post to Medium (one short chapter a day, on Medium) to allow for critical comments (I ignore agreement/praise). Of course the book will be unpublishable other than as a print-on-demand book priced to pay the printer (i.e. no royalty to author). I am free to do so, and using Medium to spread hate speech and pseudoscience is unconscionable. As shown above, my comments can contain hate speech, so I will stop commenting too.

I am free to serialize the book on my website no one reads (and will, just because--oh, and about 70 of my Medium posts have had no readers). I can at best stop abusing the Medium platform now before serious cancelling becomes necessary (as happened on Quora after three years of offering 576 answers with  313,617 views).

So, so long, and thanks for all the memes. 




I will "disengage" from Medium, but to go to each of 97 articles scheduled to publish and change them to unpublish seems like too much ado about nothing. So I'll just let them publish as I have better things to do (for posterity's sake). If Medium does not cancel my subscription/content, I may appear to live on at Medium, though I may die next week. Question every certitude. Believe in nothing.

Today I went to Substack to consider posting content (that may matter) there. It looks like I'll need to read all the agreements I will have to agree to before opening an account.

"You may offer your publications  for free, or for a subscription fee, to be determined at your discretion." As I recalled, it is possible to share all my content on Substack free of monetary cost to any reader. I can agree so far.

"Make sure that you use Substack in a manner that complies with the law..." Nation-state laws trump natural laws or information about same (no one nation-state is mentioned, so I'll assume all laws of modern humans will apply), so if Trump is elected (or Putin, Xi, Trudeau... get a law passed), I could be in violation of future laws which Substack will comply with. Or if Harris is elected and transforms into full-on Woke, then I will become a crimminal sooner. Understood. PS: I don't exercise my 'right' to vote.

"We may terminate this Agreement or terminate, suspend, or restrict your access to or use of Substack at any time, for any reason." Understood. Just like Medium or Quora. I can be removed at any time for any reason (or remove content). But I can pay an internet provider to host my personal website (or set up my own Linux servers) that billions of modern humans can ignore (and do). Anyone seeking to destroy metastatic modernity one mind at a time can expect no help to do so from any quarter.

"You agree that this means that publications (or any content therein) may be removed from Substack at any time in [sic] our discretion. You also agree that we retain the right to immediately halt the distribution of publications at our discretion."

"The Creator understands and agrees that: Substack is based outside of the EEA in the US and that personal data may be transferred to the US or to other countries outside of the EEA provided that the specific conditions for such data transfers in applicable laws have been fulfilled."

"Hate: Substack cannot be used to publish content or fund initiatives that incite violence based on protected classes. Offending behavior includes credible threats of physical harm to people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability or medical condition." The first warning, "used to... incite violence..." doesn't exclude emotional violence such as expressions of disbelief in another's deeply held beliefs often results in. The use of "physical harm" seems to exclude the use of words that could make a reader feel unsafe (not allowed on most university campuses if one or more students complain). So criticism of the ideology of zero-order humanism may not be viewed as grounds for account closure (but could be).

They want writers who can create "an internet that celebrates and supports humanity." Being nature centric not celebrating metastatic modernity could be outside the consensus narrative enough to be an issue requiring moderation. Posterity that has no viable future as modern humans cannot be served. An internet that celebrates modern humans is what we have, mostly 'low' but aspiring fo 'high' culture isn't nearly vision enough. Information packages that help humans model the nature of things while depreciating error, ignorance, and illusion (to iterate towards having a better grasp of humanity's predicament) may be adaptively supportive of renormalized human persistence.

Okay, enough read, nothing new to see here, folks. Modernity is and has long been, since the first r-selected human gained power, a cancel couture.


COOS BAY (A-P) — The following is a summary of a video transcript from PragerU, a conservative/capitalist viewpoint biased media source.

Biased interpretation of data was removed, but sources cited check out and claims made by those having an opposite bias ignore or misinterpret the data altogether, a greater crime against knowing.

“People would rather believe than know.” — E.O. Wilson, On Human Nature

The latest statistics indicate that 2% of American high school students now identify as transgender — and the overwhelming majority of them are teenage girls. Between 2016 and 2017 alone, the number of females seeking gender surgery in America quadrupled.

Prior to a decade ago, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the condition of transgender identity was roughly 1 in 10,000 people, or 0.01% of the population. The increase in transgenderism has been 200 fold (20,000%, likely not a genetic/biological change of condition).

Before 2012 there was no scientific or medical literature discussing adolescent girls who wanted to transition to the opposite sex.

Gender Dysphoria — severe discomfort in one’s biological sex — has been studied for nearly one hundred years. It almost always involved boys who began feeling discomfort between the ages of 2 and 4 and were strong and persistent in their assertions to everyone around them that they were really girls (congenital adrenal hyperplasia or partial androgen insensitivity syndrome are a genetic/biological condition).

When a phenomenon that affects one half of a population — boys — suddenly begins affecting the other half — girls, and when its age of onset shifts from preschool to adolescence, something significant is happening.

In 2016, Brown University public health researcher Lisa Littman began studying the sudden spike in trans identification of teenage girls. She concluded that peer influence and social media influence had a lot to do with this trans teen phenomenon. After all, based on parent reports, none of these girls had exhibited symptoms of gender dysphoria at the age that it typically first presents: early childhood.

YouTube, Reddit, Tumblr, TikTok, and Instagram all host popular social media influencers — today’s version of Hollywood stars — who insist that if you feel uncomfortable in your body, you’re probably trans. Many promise that if you start a course of testosterone, all of your problems will go away.

There’s every reason to believe that these girls are experiencing real psychological pain — rates of anxiety, depression, and instances of self-harm are all at record levels for this generation. A quick fix becomes very tempting. So it doesn’t take much — a YouTube video, a friend’s suggestion — to get a troubled girl to buy into the fantasy that gender transition is the answer.

Unfortunately for these girls, who do not have typical gender dysphoria, gender transition rarely offers relief. And it may be a catastrophic mistake for psychologists, educators, and the medical establishment to rush these teens towards “a solution” that involves hormone therapy and surgery.

Here’s what’s not in dispute: unnecessary medical gender transition causes irreversible change including a high risk of infertility, sexual dysfunction, and the creation of a permanent medical patient.

Modern society has made it far too easy for kids to take this path — long before they’re ready psychologically or emotionally to make such a life-altering decision. Testosterone is easily obtained by today’s teens. In Oregon, a 15-year-old can walk into a gender clinic and walk out the same day with a prescription for testosterone without her parents’ permission. Sixteen-year-old girls have been able to undergo double mastectomies — the removal of both breasts — without even a therapist’s note.

Gender transition of a child has no predictable long term harm vs benefit outcome for the adult (regret becomes a new source of dysfunction). Testimonials on YouTube urging medical intervention to cure an ill-gender condition are replaced by videos from teens who acknowledge they made a terrible mistake and warn others not to make the same one.

In California, gender identity education begins in kindergarten and proceeds through high school. The theme is that kids’ gender identity is totally independent of their physical sex and something that only they can know.

According to a 2023 survey, teenage girls in the United States spend an average of 5.3 hours per day on social media, while teenage boys spend 4.4 hours.

In 2012, 68% of teens said they used Facebook (began 2002 on one campus, but exceeded 1 billion users by 2012) as their primary social media site. The psycho-social well-being of youth today is in steep decline. Correlation or causation?

FB users now number over 3 billion.
Make a sign. Hit the streets. Protest NOW!

Gibson’s Law: For every expert there is an equal and opposite expert (aka whose bread I eat his song I sing).

Left leaning sources can easily cite opposite facts and sing of the great transgender liberation movement made possible by the increasingly enlightened/woke times we live in.

At least 1,543 peer reviewed papers can be cited that prove the increase in gender dysphoria in girls and the decrease in sperm count is caused by endocrine system disrupting microplastics (or glyphosate).

When any issue is politicized, no amount of evidence, piled however high or deep, matters to political animals. But a 200 fold increase in 12 years is to stick in your pipe and puff on it.

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The number of teen girls identifying as transgender has skyrocketed over the last decade.

Research by Abigail Shrier, author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, for Prager University (not a real university).

The latest statistics indicate that 2% of American high school students now identify as transgender, and the overwhelming majority of them are teenage girls.

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Between 2016 and 2017 alone, the number of females seeking gender surgery in America quadrupled.

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According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 2013, the condition underlying transgenderism, gender dysphoria, afflicted roughly 1 in 10,000 people or .01% of the population (DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 454. ISBN 978–0–89042–555–8).

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Gender Dysphoria, the severe discomfort in one’s biological sex, has been studied for nearly one hundred years. Before 2012, there was no scientific or medical literature discussing adolescent girls who wanted to transition to the opposite sex. It almost always involved boys who began feeling it between the ages of 2 and 4 (Zucker KJ, Cohen-Kettenis PT, “Gender identity disorder in children and adolescents.” In: “Handbook of sexual and gender identity disorders,” New York: Wiley, Sons; 2008).

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Historically, the boys who were diagnosed with gender dysphoria exhibited a strong and persistent insistence to those around them that they were really girls.

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Peer and social media influence appear to play a significant role in the increase in teen girls identifying as transgender.

In 2016, Brown University public health researcher Lisa Littman began studying the sudden spike in trans identification of teenage girls. She concluded that peer influence and social media influence had a lot to do with this trans teen phenomenon. Based on parent reports, none of these girls had exhibited symptoms of gender dysphoria at the age that it typically first presents: early childhood.

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Generation Z appears to be particularly vulnerable psychologically and emotionally. Rates of anxiety, depression and instances of self-harm are all at record levels for this generation.

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As Psychology Today reported in Dec. 2019, a recent study found that among undergraduate students, “rates of depression, anxiety, … and suicide attempts markedly increased [from 2007 to 2018], with rates doubling over the period in many cases.”

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Several academic studies have already linked the alarming rates of anxiety and depression to young girls’ punishing experience on social media.

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A growing number of troubled teen girls appear to be buying into the narrative that gender transition is the answer to psychological and emotional problems.

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Unnecessary medical gender transition causes irreversible damage.

For girls who do not have typical gender dysphoria, gender transition can prove catastrophic. Unnecessary medical gender transition causes irreversible damage, including a high risk of infertility.

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Transition has also been linked to sexual dysfunction.

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Gender transition also results in an increased need for medical care, including continued hormone treatment.

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Related reading: “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” — Abigail Shrier

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Testosterone is easily obtained by today’s teen girls, allowing them to make life-altering decisions without parental permission.

In Oregon, a 15-year-old girl can quickly obtain a prescription for testosterone from a gender clinic without her parents’ permission.

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The ages for which psychologists and medical professionals are prescribing various forms of transgender treatment are getting younger in many countries, while the U.S. largely lacks laws prohibiting the use of puberty blockers for children or regulating what age they may be administered.

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In California, gender identity education begins in kindergarten and proceeds through high school. The theme in this agenda is that kids’ gender identity is totally independent of their physical sex and something that only they can know.

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Hasty gender transition is leading to a great deal of regret among those who were falsely persuaded it was necessary.

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