Module 5-1



"In other words, green building applications can be seen as “vertical or three dimensional (3-D) solutions”, whilst green spatial applications can be seen as “horizontal or two dimensional (2-D) solutions” pertaining to sustainable spatial economy, infrastructure and utilities.  The 3-D and 2-D solutions for the urbanisation trends of both the first and third world will have a different focus." [Envisioned is 70% of 9 billion humans by 2050 living sustainably in cities. Meanwhile the average immigrant from third to first world economy increases their footprint/consumption four fold.]

This Module takes a hard look at the impact of the built environment upon the Earth and how the related consumption patterns are exacerbating climate change.  This is necessary given that the global average impact of the built environment and its operational uses, is estimated to use: 18% of the planet’s use of fresh water; 25% of the wood consumed; 40% of fossil fuels, and, 27% of energy generated.  The adoption of sustainability criteria in the built environment sector will therefore make a significant impact to contribute towards climate change mitigation and adaptation.  This is particularly relevant wherein the rural to urban migration is creating significant pressure on the built environment to utilize available resources in a sustainable manner, especially with the world population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, with an estimated 70% living in urban areas, an increase from 46% in 2015 (Source: Global Footprint Network).

This Module looks at both the 3-dimensional (3-D) vertical aspect of the built environment and also the 2-dimensional (2-D) horizontal spatial layout aspect.  In other words, the form, shape and purpose of a building itself needs to be firstly designed according to sustainable design principles, but also, its spatial relationship to other buildings, the surrounding landscape and service networks.  In order to address the negative impact of the built environment, the context is firstly provided from the Ecological Footprint science.  Thereafter, the whole systems thinking approach is outlined before unpacking some sustainable design strategies for both new-build and retrofitting of the built environment for 3-D and 2-D applications.

From a practical perspective, the examples within this Module provide for a better understanding of how to identify the shortcomings of modern building and construction, and introduces how to design and construct or retrofit healthier, more ecologically friendly and energy efficient built environments, as well as, how to embed integrated design to achieve more functional town plans with integrated utilities.



There is no longer any doubt that human activity has changed the face of the Earth and is disrupting the sensitive balance of ecosystems which is driving the Holocene extinction, otherwise referred to as the sixth mass extinction or Anthropocene extinction.  In fact, the Ecological Footprint of most urban areas far exceeds the biocapacity of their entire countries.  For example, according to The Global Development Research Center, the ecological footprint of London alone is 120 times the area of the city itself, and basically requires the rest of the UK to support this biocapacity without any other development, and similarly, the ecological footprint of the Tokyo metropolitan area is almost three times the land area of Japan as a whole.  Both these city examples are clearly unsustainable, which means that most urban areas are “borrowing” biocapacity from future generations.  This is no longer feasible and urgent measures are required to arrest and reverse this dangerous trend. 

Another study from the Global Footprint Network, compared the resource demand of cities in the Mediterranean region (see Figure below) and their contribution to the regional ecological deficit in order to highlight the natural resource challenges and opportunities of such urban centers in the Mediterranean region.  This study identified food and transportation as the largest factors of the Ecological Footprint so that local governments can understand what their sustainable development strategies ought to focus upon.


Comparative Ecological Footprints of cities in the Mediterranean region

Although it was found that the differences among the Ecological Footprint values of these Mediterranean cities was largely attributable to socio-economic factors, such as disposable income, infrastructure, and cultural habits, there was another “double dynamic” factor at play.  Herein, the authors found that: “On one hand, cities concentrate investment in, and offer more access to, energy-saving modes of consumption (largely, because of institutional density and economies of scale), thus contributing to smaller per capita Footprints, all other things being equal.  On the other hand, cities have also been functioning in recent history as a “social elevator,” enabling residents to earn higher pay, thereby typically also increasing their consumption level”.  These are important dynamics to understand in order to refine sustainable development strategies and related leverage points of influence for policymakers.

The Stockholm Resilience Centre has identified nine planetary boundaries within which humanity ought to contain its impact in order to sustain its presence on the Earth.  However, scientists from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) concluded in 2015 that at least four of these boundaries had been transgressed, namely, climate change, loss of biosphere integrity, land-system change and altered biogeochemical cycles.  It suffices to stress that human activity in urban areas has a significant impact upon these four planetary boundaries, and if left unchecked, will start eroding the remaining boundaries. 

Whilst the general negative perception of urbanization is increasing pollution, lack of resources, destruction of habitats, social inequality, lack of public facilities, lack of housing opportunities, high cost of living, access to public transport, etc., there is also a positive factor regarding general efficiencies which can be derived through proper integrated planning.  For this reason, the urbanisation trends for both the first and third world presents an important understanding in order to address challenges and opportunities for sustainable built environments.  Herein, there are two major dimensions that need to be addressed.  Firstly, one should address solutions to buildings and their immediate footprints, and secondly, the spatial context for such cluster of buildings.  In other words, green building applications can be seen as “vertical or three dimensional (3-D) solutions”, whilst green spatial applications can be seen as “horizontal or two dimensional (2-D) solutions” pertaining to sustainable spatial economy, infrastructure and utilities.  The 3-D and 2-D solutions for the urbanisation trends of both the first and third world will have a different focus. 

It can be generally surmised that the built environment for the first world is relatively well developed wherein the focus of 3-D sustainable solutions will be retrofitting of existing buildings and refinement of efficiencies within the 2-D spatial aspects.  Meanwhile, the growing urbanisation within the third world, will create more opportunity for 3-D green new-build and 2-D integration and efficiencies within the spatial layout of urban areas.

The sustainable (green) building solutions are relatively easier to apply, even if through retrofitting.  However, sustainable spatial solutions may be somewhat more difficult to achieve, especially since urban patterns tend to be dominated by infrastructure for transport and utilities.  Herein, the sins of the city fathers in laying out such infrastructure is particularly relevant since these affect generations to come.  This is particularly evident in modern sprawling cities that are modelled on individual car ownership compared to the older more compact cities established prior to the introduction of the motor car.  Both 2-D and 3-D solutions are required in order to achieve genuine sustainability in the built environment.  For example, all the benefits of 3-D green solutions for a building may be negated if it is located in a sprawling inefficient 2-D spatial context.


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