Reliable proven systems - expected to last for 50 - 100 years
Practically zero maintenance
€10 to €15/Watt build = expensive
€0.18 to €0.25/kWh generated
Typical payback 25 years
Solar thermal panels to heat domestic hot water is now a common application.
3 m2 of solar thermal provides ~2,000 kWh/annum in northern Europe and ~3,000 kWh/annum in Southern Europe.
Typically, the operating cost of the panel is solely the cost of financing the extra cost of the solar portion of the installation, i.e. excluding the plumbing in the building. At present, financing runs around €0.08/kWh in Northern Europe, when the panel is paid off over 20 years.
There are also large scale installations based on solar-thermal power. Many of these systems use mirrors to heat water to generate steam, which then drives a large turbine. These installations are called solar-thermal power stations and are predominantly in dry or desert regions in Spain or the USA.